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Town Planning

Town planning coordinates land use and development by balancing economic, social and environment issues. Planning policies, schemes and other statutory processes guide decisions that shape and focus on quality of life for the community. 

The Shire of York Local Planning Strategy and the Shire of York Local Planning Scheme No. 3 are the two main documents that guide development in the Shire. 

The Shire of York Local Planning Strategy was endorsed by the Western Australian Planning Commission on the 11 December 2020, and the Local Planning Scheme No. 3 was gazetted on the 13 January 2021.

Planning approval is generally required prior to the use of land or construction of a building. In most cases a change of use also requires planning approval. A Building Licence is also required for construction works. 

If your property is heritage listed or within a heritage area, then all works require planning approval and a building licence. Council’s Planning staff can assist landowners and developers through the application process.

The Planning framework is governed by the Shire of York Local Planning Strategy while the local planning legislation is contained in the Shire of York Local Planning Scheme No.3.

Before commencing any development on land within the Shire, landowners and applicants are advised to contact the Shire's Planning Department on: 9641 2233 to arrange for an appointment to discuss their proposal. The Planning Department staff will be happy to assist landowners to determine whether formal applications are required and how they can guide the applicant through the process.


Contact Sharla Simunov
Phone (08) 9641 0500

Introduction To Western Australian Planning System

Introduction to the Western Australian Planning System

Published by the Western Australian Planning Commission and the Department of Planning.

Shire of York Local Planning Strategy, Scheme & Structure Plans

Map 1 - York Overall Index 

Map 2 - York South West

Map 3 - York Townsite

Map 4 - York Mt Hardy Townsite

Map 5 - York Greenhills Locality 

York Map Index

York Scheme Text 

Development Assessment Panels

Development Assessment Panels (DAPs) Information

Information Sheets

Full list of current Information Sheets