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Business Plan - St Patrick’s Convent School

Published on Wednesday, 28 February 2018 at 12:00:00 AM

Business Plan (in accordance with Section 3.59 of the Local Government Act 1995) for the Future of St Patrick’s Convent School (Lots 25 and 27 South Street, York)

The Shire of York is considering the options for the future of St Patrick’s Convent School located on Lots 25 and 27 South Street, York. 

Prior to making a decision on the future of the building the Shire of York wants to provide an opportunity for the community to comment by making a submission.

A Business Plan has been prepared in accordance with the Local Government Act 1995 which provides details about the building/site, options available and how to make a submission.  A copy of this Business Plan is available on the following links.

Community members are invited to inspect the building and site during the following times:

Saturday 24 March 2018 from 9am to 11am.
Tuesday 27 March 2018 from 4pm to 6pm.

Submissions on the Business Plan close 4.30 pm, Monday 16 April 2018.

All submissions received will be presented to Council for consideration prior to a final decision being made on the future of the building/site. 

Anyone seeking more information about this should contact the Shire of York on 9641 2233 or by email


Paul Martin


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