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Shire of York council elects Cr Kevin Trent and Cr Denis Warnick to leading roles

Published on Thursday, 26 October 2023 at 12:24:13 PM

 At the Special Council Meeting on Wednesday 25 October 2023, four new Councillors were sworn in by JP Ron Lee:

  • Cr Adamini
  • Cr Luxford
  • Cr Pyke
  • Cr Smythe

Following the swearing in, elections for President and Deputy President were held with the following Councillors being successful in each position:

  • Shire President – Cr Trent
  • Shire Deputy President – Cr Warnick

Cr Trent comes to the role of President after serving on Council since October 2017.

Speaking during the meeting, Shire President Cr Trent congratulated the new and existing Councillors, and thanked them for their support.

The new Council will meet for its first Ordinary Council Meeting on Thursday 26 October 2023.

The Shire of York would also like to acknowledge Past President Cr Denese Smythe, Cr Smythe’s strong commitment to community has been evident throughout her term, and especially during the 2020 global pandemic when she led Council through previously unchartered waters with Community safety being the priority’’.

Contact details of all Councillors can be found on the Shire website. 

Chris Linnell


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