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Council Documents

The Shire of York presents many of its public documents online for easy access and where possible access to documents is provided outside the Freedom of Information Process.  Please select the item you require from the list below:

Aged Friendly Community Plan

Annual Reports

Annual Budgets

Business Continuity Plan

Business Continuity Plan COVID-19 

Business Plans

CBD Revitalisation Plan 

CBD Revitalisation Plan Toolkit

Community Scorecards

Corporate Business Plan 

Corporate Business Plan (minor review 2023)

Councillor Representation on Committees

COVID Recovery Action Plan - June 2020

Customer Service Charter

Disability Access & Inclusion Plan - 25 June 18

Fees & Charges

Fees & Charges - CRC 

Freedom of Information Statement - Adopted 26 September 2023

Gift & Contributions to Travel Register

Long Term Financial Plan

Public Interest Disclosure (PID) Guidelines

Record Keeping Plan

Register of Delegated Authority (Reviewed June 2024)

Risk Management Framework

Statement of Business Ethics

Strategic Community Plan 2020 - 2030

Strategic Community Plan (minor review 2023)

Trails Masterplan 2019 - 2028

Trails - Mount Brown Trail Maintenance Guide 2019 

Trails - Mt Brown Reserve Reconnaissance Survey 2019 

Trails - Phytophthora Dieback Assessment of Mt Brown Reserve 

York Honours Reference Group - Terms of Reference

Wellbeing Plan 2024-2028